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From: "Bob Ingold" <ingold@agames.com>
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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 10:01:05 -0700
In-Reply-To: Scott McCabe <scottm@adan.kingston.net>
"OFFTOPIC: Nasty Virus for NT" (Oct 23, 10:53pm)
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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: How to make more Amiga Memory
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I have been having problems rendering with Lightwave on the Amiga (3.5).
It seems my ambitions have out weighed the memory capacity of the system.
Because I'm using shadows, I can't render objects separately. What to do!!
I ran across "MemDoubler" a PD program that apparently compresses the data on
ram thereby increasing space in ram. I tried it out with lightwave and it
worked. In order to render, I previously lowered segment memory to 100K (ouch)
but made it 4Mb for this test and it worked.
The size of the ram started at a whopping 79 Mb from the real 20Mb I really
have and jumped down to 12Mb when rendering which means the compression is not
that efficient but I'm not complaining.
I have not rendered a whole sequence yet but if I don't get any side effects
I'm sending money to the author for sure.
I don't know where it came from though so if your interested, just look around.
"Bob Ingold" <ingold@agames.com> sent this message.
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